black silicon carbide to used as abasive peeler for fruits

black silicon carbide to used as abasive peeler for fruits


black silicon carbide to used as abasive peeler for fruits

Product introduction

black silicon carbide abrasives is made from quartz sand and petroleum coke(smokeless acetylene)  as the main raw is made via light resistance from hydrometallurgical,it is black opaque body hexagonal crystal and MOHS -hardness in the 9.3,which is after diamond and boron carbide with crisp and sharp performance and certain degree of conductive heat.

black silicon carbide abrasives Application

For abrasives, grinding electronics, metallurgical additive.

For special ceramics, foam ceramics.

For auto parts, war industry and aviation, steelmaking.

For abrasives and cutting tools and cutting disks made of SiC.

For grinding, honing, water-jet cutting and sandblasting.

For lapping and polishing ,metallurgical additive and refractory material.

black silicon carbide abrasive Specification

 black silicon carbide abrasive chemical composition








black silicon carbide to used as abasive peeler for fruits


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